How to Develop Second Screen Experiences & Create Successful Play Along Apps for TV Shows
Mobile devices have transformed how people engage with media and the way we consume and interact with television content. Viewers who are watching TV on the big screen have their mobile phone nearby to communicate with friends, lookup related information, control their viewing experience, or engage with the TV shows by voting, playing along, or seeing real-time information.
In this blog post, we will explore the key steps to develop successful second screen experiences and play-along apps for TV shows and other media productions that enhance the viewing experience for television audiences.

What are Second Screen Apps and Experiences?
Second screen experiences and play along apps have become increasingly popular, allowing viewers to engage with TV shows. The second screen refers to using a mobile device, like a smartphone or tablet, to enhance the viewing experience of a primary screen, typically a big screen like the television. These experiences can be created specifically for TV formats and can range from providing additional content and information related to the TV show, to enabling interactive features and social engagement such as trivia, polls and voting campaigns.
Second screen experiences can increase viewer engagement by providing a more interactive viewing experience. It offers a great opportunity to drive social interaction among viewers, promote online chatter, and foster a sense of community around a TV show.
Developing Second Screen Apps for TV shows and Play Along Apps for TV formats
To develop successful play along apps and second screen experiences, you need to clearly define the objectives of the app. These objectives may include increasing viewer engagement, providing additional information, driving social interaction, or offering sponsorship opportunities.
To define this objective, you need to understand the target audience, their preferences, and review the TV format to identify second screen opportunities.
The Second Screen User Experience
Second screen experiences can be developed as websites or native mobile apps. Reach and downloads can be achieved by promoting the play along experience in campaigns, informing viewers during the show, and using on-air graphics to drive adoptions.
The second screen app requires an intuitive and user-friendly interface that seamlessly integrates with the TV show experience. Depending on the TV format, the platform can incorporate social features, such as real-time chat, leaderboards, and multiplayer challenges, to foster a sense of community.
Challenges for Second Screen App development
Prepare for large-scale engagement
To ensure the app’s functionality and features, it’s important to ensure the platform and server infrastructure can handle the large scale of hundreds of thousands of users that will join the app in seconds.
Sync the experience across timezones
Implement synchronization between the app and the TV show to allow for real-time content updates and interactive experiences. Expand to support viewer play along across timezones by using clever replay functionality.
User Engagement and Retention
Keeping users engaged on the second screen while they watch content on the primary screen can be challenging. Developers need to create compelling content and interactive features that add value to the viewing experience without overwhelming the user.
Synchronization and Latency
Ensuring real-time synchronization between the TV broadcast and the second screen app is critical. Latency issues can disrupt the user experience, especially in interactive features where timing is crucial, such as live voting campaigns or gamification like trivia, predictions and polls.
Second Screen App Opportunities
Monetization and Advertising
Monetize second screen apps through advertising, sponsorships and direct transactions, while maintaining user satisfaction can be complex. Balancing ad placements and sponsored content with user experience requires a strategic approach to avoid intrusive advertising.
Leveraging Data and Analytics
Analyze user data to gain insights into viewer behavior, engagement, and preferences, using these insights to continuously optimize the app’s features, content, and user experience while identifying monetization opportunities like in-app purchases, subscriptions, or targeted advertising.
Rewarding Viewers Directly
Second screen apps allow broadcasters and production companies to reward viewers individually by creating a direct connection with TV viewers. This can be done by sharing prize money, creating personalized media for app users to share, or allowing sponsors to provide discounts and items.
A Top Rated Second Screen App: The Voice Play Along
One of the highest rated second screen apps that engage viewers is the play along app for “The Voice,” which allows viewers to participate during each episode by selecting their favorite contestants, answering real-time challenges and trivia, earning points and sharing their experiences on social media. Additionally, during the live shows, the second screen app allows viewers to vote for their favorite contestants directly from the app.

Second screen experiences and play-along apps have become a creative and exciting addition to the modern TV viewing experience. Embracing second screen technologies and creating innovative play-along apps will be crucial to distinguish your new game show, talent show or live event.
By understanding the key principles and best practices, broadcasters can develop successful second screen experiences that enhance viewer engagement, drive social interaction, and create new revenue opportunities.
Visit our website to learn more about how Ex Machina can help you develop scalable and reliable second screen and play along solutions.
And don’t forget these opportunities also apply for SVOD platform to attract and retain subscribers through live and interactive content.
And how FAST Channels can increase engagement and enhance audience loyalty through viewer interactivity.