Live Game Shows

Deliver live streamed and interactive game shows for a global audience.

Features & Benefits

Our live game show solution combines low-latency live video with our advanced gamification tools. Engage massive multiplayer participation where players join via your app or website to compete in real-time with a live host, earn points, rank on leaderboards, and win prizes.

Integrate into existing platforms or create a stand-alone experience with a custom design that's easily localizable, supporting any language. Effortlessly manage each broadcast from a single, intuitive producer console, ensuring a captivating experience for both hosts and players.

Game show mechanics

Real-time and intuitive gameplay that keeps users actively participating and coming back for more, driving higher user retention and satisfaction.

Low-latency live streaming

A seamless and interactive experience for users with minimal delays, enhancing the immediacy and excitement of live gameplay.

Production tools

A real-time management interface for the production team to have full control over the live game show experience.

Multiplayer gameplay

Players compete in real-time via your app or website with other players to drive competition.


Proven technology for live streamed game shows:

Low-latency at scale

Our proprietary WebSocket protocol offers low latency communication and robust state synchronization for millions of users

Real-time gamification engine

Results from trivia questions, polls, votes and other interactions are calculated in real-time to award points, badges and rank players on leaderboards.

Redundant cloud infrastructure

Built upon Amazon Web Services (AWS), our platform leverages its global server hosting, storage, and compute capabilities with robust redundancy and scalability features.


  • Host live game shows to maintain audience interest during off-peak times, such as between TV broadcasts, during commercials, or in the intervals between major events.
  • Leverage the popularity of influencers to host recurring game shows, extending their reach and engaging their follower base in a new and interactive format.

Case Study

Fox FNgenius

Discover how FOX's FN Genius app revolutionized TV and mobile entertainment, combining live streaming and real-time trivia for an interactive audience experience during the Teen Choice Awards.

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